Haven Christian Centre

Our Values
At Haven Christian Centre we will strive to live as people who are …
Jesus-centred (John 15:1-8)
People who are filled with His Holy Spirit, worshipping him by placing him first in every part of our lives, seeking to live his way every day and in every place, honouring God and others as we do so. This is at the centre of our community and everything flows from this. -
Loving (John 15:9-17)
People who seek to be kind, say sorry easily and forgive quickly. We are a no-celebrity church where no-one is more important than anyone else. We seek to be a place of safety, God’s relational family, available to one another, ready to know others and be known by them. -
Transforming (Galatians 5:13-26)
People who are transformed by God’s Holy Spirit in us and love to see the same transformation in the lives around us. We want people to encounter God in Jesus through us and we want our church to be the place to be - enriching, challenging and exciting. -
Praying (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28; Matthew 6:5-13)
People who believe that prayer is vital in all we do and who are committed to a life surrounded by prayer, both individually and with others as a part of our church. -
Restful (Exodus 20:8-11; Matthew 11:25-30)
People who recognise that we are called to ministry, worship and rest equally and who take Sabbath seriously. We exercise ministry in a way that is sustainable and encourages, rather than discourages, proper patterns of Sabbath rest for everyone. -
Growing (2 Timothy 3:10-17; John 16:12-15)
People who take our discipleship seriously, who seek to be more like Jesus each day and help others in the church to do the same. We rely first and foremost on God’s Holy Spirit speaking through Scripture to help us to do that. -
Serving (Matthew 25:31-46)
People who are generous with all that God has given us, offering God’s love through giving of ourselves and through acts of kindness and service. As generous people, we welcome all, accepting and including everyone just as Jesus has done with us. -
Relevant (Jeremiah 29:4-7; James 2:14-24)
People who are seeking real connection with the community in which we’re placed and who face out toward them, arms outstretched. In all we do and say and in all we are, we seek to share the love of God in ways that make a difference to lives and communities. -
Kingdom-focused (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)
People who are willingly working together with our local and ecumenical partner churches and our community. We see the growth of God’s Kingdom as more important than the growth of any individual local church, including our own. -
Humble (Galatians 6:1-10)
People who are aware that we are broken and vulnerable and in need of the love and forgiveness of Jesus. We’re honest and real with one another about the struggles and joys of our lives. We live authentic lives where our actions match our words. -
Spirit-gifted (Romans 12:1-8)
People who are united in Christ yet rejoice in our diversity, recognising that God has brought us together just as he meant us to be. We want everyone to recognise, develop and use their God-given spiritual gifts and abilities, so that they can flourish and serve God. -
Living (Hebrews 12:1-13)
People who are ready to be creative, imaginative and innovative about how we live and work as a community of faith. In this way, we strive to be as fruitful and well-run as we possibly can be, taking our responsibilities seriously.