Haven Christian Centre

What We Believe
We are a Christian church that is drawn from four different Church movements: Baptist, Church of England, Methodist and United Reformed Church. What we believe is firmly rooted in the Christian faith and these church traditions.
We believe that…
God loves you completely and forever. That’s the most important thing to remember. Our God of love is one God, but he’s made up of three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God is our perfect heavenly Father, who made the universe and everything in it, including you and me. He loves us so completely because he made us, and that means we belong to him, and he belongs to us.
Sadly, whilst God is our perfect Father and wants the very best for us, like children everywhere we often mess up and don’t do the best for ourselves and others. We carry the shame of that and many of us long for a fresh start and a clean slate.
Because of His unshakeable love for us, God came to earth as a perfect man called Jesus, completely a man but also still completely God - God’s Son. It is who Jesus is and what he did for us, that makes Christianity unique.
While he was on earth, Jesus healed and taught and loved the people around him. He showed us what God is like and always pointed back to him.
Jesus was crucified on a cross, where he died; but then he came to life again three days later, not as a ghost but physically and bodily. By doing this, he opened the way back to God, lifting that shame we carry around with us and giving us the fresh start we long for.
To come back to God, we must simply believe and trust in Jesus and what he did for us on the cross. Then we can start again with a clean slate, giving us a new life of hope, joy and purpose, wiping away our shame. He then asks that we follow him by living our lives His way, which also happens to be the best way we can live.
Jesus returned to heaven, but to help us live our best life, he sent his Holy Spirit. He is God living in us, to empower and encourage us, to help us to grow and change our lives for the better, to give us joy and strength, and to support us when things are tough.
The Bible is the primary way that we learn how to live that best life with Jesus. We trust the Bible to teach and to guide us. When we need to know which way to go, the Holy Spirit helps us to understand what the Bible is saying to us today and helps us to find God’s way forward.
You are loved. That’s the main thing - it all comes down to this. God loves you completely and forever and there’s nothing that can happen to change it.